
Лабораторные испытания

Испытательные лаборатории НОЦ «Наноматериалы и нанотехнологии» осуществляет следующие виды услуг:

Информация об услугах включает перечень из более чем 150 наименований испытания в различных направлениях:

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129337, Russia, Moscow, Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26
Working time: Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00 (UTC +4:00)
phone: +7-499-188-04-00
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We invite to cooperation

SEC "Nanotechnology" developsс theoretic and practic basic of nanotechnology in building material sience, metodological principles of synthesis of construction, road and special composites (radiation protection, chemically resistant, thermal insulation, etc.), forms and develops scientific schools in the field of nano-structured and nano-modified construction of composite materials and educates bachelors, masters, graduate, doctoral and retraining of specialists in nanotechnology profile.

We invite all interested universities, research organizations and companies in various industries to cooperate.