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Делегации из Социалистической республики Вьетнам в МГСУA big delegation from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam visited the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering  on September 7 and 11. On the first day, the guest's visit to our university was led by the Minister of Education and Training Fung Xuan Nya. The main issue was the features of education in Russia, as well as cooperation for the training of personnel from Vietnam. SEC NT met the delegation in the laboratory, where leading reseacher Smirnov Vladimir Alekseevich shared actual directions for the preparation of graduate students, and Minister Phung Xuan Nya was able to personally communicate with the young researchers from Vietnam who are engaged in our center.

After 4 days, a meeting was held with the General Director of the Vietnam Institute of Building Materials (VIBM) Le Chung Thanh within the framework of the joint scientific project "Development of a new technology for energy- and resource-efficient nanomodified composite materials for construction in the Pacific region on the basis of regional raw material resources of Russia and Vietnam".

Делегации из Социалистической республики Вьетнам в МГСУДелегации из Социалистической республики Вьетнам в МГСУ

The VIBM director spoke about the stage of development in Vietnam of a scientific project between the NIU MGSU and VIBM, noted a number of urgent regional tasks currently facing the construction industry in Vietnam, which included the problem of waste utilization in the operation of CHPP, in particular fly ash, and secondary their use in the production of building materials. Representatives of the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction Wu Ngoc Anh and Nguyen Xuan Hyen also highlighted the need to improve the system of standardization in construction and the willingness in grant support for joint work in this direction.

Делегации из Социалистической республики Вьетнам в МГСУ

Colleagues from Vietnam visited the laboratories and scientific and educational centers of the Moscow State University of Economics and Management.

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