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Руководитель НОЦ НТ - действительный член РИАPartners on the scientific project "Development of a new technology for energy- and resource-efficient nanomodified composite materials for construction in the operational environment of the Pacific region on the basis of regional raw materials of Russia and Vietnam" from the Vietnam Institute of Building Materials (VIBM) visited the MGSU on June 18. 

The delegation included deputy director Luu Thi Hong, ex-director Luong Duc Long, deputy head of the science and technology department for the economic and technical branches of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Hung, adviser on international projects Kotelenko Roman Valeryevich, and a group of researchers from various laboratories VIBM.

The result of the meeting was the exchange of agreements on the types and timing of work in the framework of joint research.

The program of the visit included negotiations on the joint implementation of scientific research, discussion of promising areas of cooperation and
demonstration of scientific and technical capabilities of the NIU MGSU. Vice-rectors Gogina Elena SergeevnaPustovgar Andrey Petrovich and the project leader, vice-rector Korolev Evgeniy Valerevich took part in the meeting from our university.

Партнеры из VIBM прибыли с визитом в МГСУПартнеры из VIBM прибыли с визитом в МГСУ

Colleagues from Vietnam visited the laboratories and scientific and educational centers of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.

Management of VIBM Luu Thi Hong and Luong Duc Long noted the importance of timely work in accordance with the established schedule and the representative of the Ministry of Science and Technology Nguyen Phu Hung promised to work out the issue of approving project financing from the Vietnamese side.

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