From October 31 to November 2, 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam, an international conference on building materials (ICBM-2019) was held with the support of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam in honor of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Institute of Building Materials (VIBM).
NRU MGSU as a partner of VIBM in the framework of joint applied scientific research presented three articles by the staff of SEC NT (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director Korolev E.V., Ph.D., researcher Inozemtsev A.S. and test engineer Doung Thanh Qui for the scientific program of the conference. Graduate student Doung T.Q. made a face-to-face presentation in the section Cement, mortar, concrete, and additives on the topic "The effectiveness of 3D-printing in the construction industry of Vietnam". Articles on world experience in developing materials for 3D printing in construction and about anomalies of rheological flow curves for plasticized cement-mineral pastes were also published in the conference proceedings.
NRU MGSU took part in the work program of the 28th Vietnam International Industrial Exhibition in Hanoi at the stand of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from October 8 to 11. The delegation of our university consisted of scientific employees of the SEC "Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology" Ph.D. Inozemtsev A.S. and Ph.D. Inozemtsev S.S. Five developments in three projects were presented at the stand of NRU MGSU for visitors to the exhibition: "durable road materials", "micro- and nanoscale additives for concrete", also "high-strength lightweight concrete" according to the results of applied research in the framework of the Federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020".
As part of the Summer Scientific and Educational School, students of the Academic Lyceum International House-Tashkent at the Tashkent Institute of Engineers of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization (Uzbekistan) on June 24 took part in a master class on the fundamentals of scientific activity, principles of nanotechnology, research and application of nano-objects materials in the laboratory SEC NT. Lyceum students have learned how to use nano-objects in building materials, what effect nanomodifiers have, how much materials are worth of modified nano-additives and much more.
From May 27 to 31, 2019 in the framework of international cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan, Ph.D., M.Sc. Inozemtsevs S.S. lectured a course "Innovations in building materials science" for first and second year students in the specialty Architecture, Building construction, Production of building materials of the Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute.
The course of lectures reviewed modern areas of development of building materials science: nanotechnology, smart materials and additive technologies, where BITI students were introduced to the basic terminology, the history of innovative materials development, problems of their implementation, the features of nanotechnology implementation, the principles of self-healing materials, the mechanisms of photocatalytic materials, technology of self-cleaning coatings, magnetic and electrochromic materials, the advantages and lack of weave 3D-printing in the construction, as well as prospects for the development of innovative technologies.
The workshop on nanotechnology in construction for students of the Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands (Eindhoven University of Technology) was held in the laboratory of the REC “Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies” May 23. The event was organized by NIU MGSU together with the association S.A.B.P.S Mollier (Study Trip 2019), which is engaged the improving students' experience in the development of innovative developments, work planning, implementation and project management.
The workshop was perfomed by Ph.D., Researcher SEC NT Inozemtsev S.S. Issues of applying the principles of nanotechnology in building materials, examples of implementation and emerging problems in the development of innovative projects were discussed.
This year the traditional international scientific conference "Construction is the formation of living environment" was held in sunny Uzbekistan. From 17 to 22 April, the Tashkent Institute of Engineers of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization received delegates from different countries in the framework of the XXII Conference FORM-2019..
SEC NT delegated three employees to participate in the conference program. Face-to-face presentations in the Modern Building Materials section were prepared by Ph.D., researcher Inozemtsev S.S. and Dr. Sc., Professor., Director Korolev E.V. with the report "Indicators of the self-healing asphalt concrete", Ph.D., researcher Inozemtsev A.S. and graduate student, test-engineer Duong TK - "High-Strength Lightweight Fiber-reinforced Concrete".
From 14 to 16 November, the annual VI International Scientific Conference Integration, Partnership And Innovation In Construction Science And Education, was held at the NIU MGSU, which has traditionally been the official language of English.
Ph.D., s.r. Smirnov V.A. and Ph.D., j.r. Inozemtsev S.S. presented the main program with presentations on "Design of Nanomodified Intumescent Polymer Matrix Coatings: Theory, Modeling, Experiments" with a presentation on "Technological Features of Production Calcium-Alginate Microcapsules for Self-Healing Asphalt", respectively. The presented reports were based on the completed research projects for the development of nanomodified intumescent matrices (authors: V. Smirnov, A. Evstigneev and E. Korolev) and Self-repairing asphalt concrete technology (authors: S. Inozemtsev, E. Korolev .).
November 9, researcher of the REC "Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies", Ph.D. Inozemtsev S.S. lectured on modern technologies and innovations in road construction for masters from M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (MSRUAS), Bangalore, India as part of a two-week internship course.
Students learned about the problems of applying the principles of nanotechnology in road-building materials, promising scientific directions for modifying asphalt concrete, features of the implementation of self-healing technology in asphalt concrete, as well as new methods for testing bitumen-based composite materials.
The Seventh Harbin International Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Achievements was held on October 11-14, 2018 in the Chinese province of Heilongjiang in Harbin. The employees of NRU MGSU took part in the exhibition program..
Within the framework of the exhibition, Ph.D.,, vice-rector Pustovgar A.P. made a plenary report on the transfer of scientific achievements from the "laboratory" to "production" and the features of scaling technologies.
The projects "High-Strength Light Concrete" (SEC NT) and "Dust-free Dry Construction Mixtures" (NII SMiT) were presented on the poster session.
A big delegation from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam visited the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering on September 7 and 11. On the first day, the guest's visit to our university was led by the Minister of Education and Training Fung Xuan Nya. The main issue was the features of education in Russia, as well as cooperation for the training of personnel from Vietnam. SEC NT met the delegation in the laboratory, where leading reseacher Smirnov Vladimir Alekseevich shared actual directions for the preparation of graduate students, and Minister Phung Xuan Nya was able to personally communicate with the young researchers from Vietnam who are engaged in our center.
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