
Director of SEC Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Evgenyi V KorolevEvgenyi V Korolev

Director, Dr., Prof., advisor of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences

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Area of scientific interests is the composite materials for civil engineering and special applications (chemical-resistant materials, radiation-protective materials, etc.); applications of nanotechnology in material science. He acted as a scientific manager of eight successful postgraduate trainees.

In 1998 he was awarded by RF Governmental scholarship, in 1999 awarded by RF Presidential scholarship and in 2000 awarded by RF Presidential scholarship to study abroad. In 2002, due to his successful scientific activities, he was awarded by Governor's prize. In 2003, by reason of the research work “Non-autoclaved aerated concrete”, he was awarded by Gold Medal of All-Russia Exhibition Centre. He has completed numerous studies aimed at the development of radiation-protective heavy-weight concrete. Because of these studies, he was awarded by many prizes, including the Medal from Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Silver Medal of All-Russia Exhibition Centre and several prizes of abroad exhibitions. A number of times, starting from the year 2006, he was winner of the Presidential grants to support the young Russian D.Sc. In 2008 he was awarded the title “Honored Builder of Russia”.

Takes part in the International and All-Russian conferences, symposia and congresses, including activities focused on nanotechnology in material science.

He has 18 years of experience in science and education and more than 500 of published materials, including 25 monographs, 34 schoolbooks and 33 patents.

He is recognized as an expert of the Russian Ministry of Education Science and Technology.

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Lead Research Officer Vladimir A SmirnovVladimir A Smirnov

Lead Research Officer, PhD.

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Area of scientific interests is the composite materials for civil engineering and special applications, applications of nanotechnology in material science, physical methods of research (including Raman spectroscopy, SAXS and acoustic emission), simulation in material science, numerical methods, computer software and hardware.

He has more than ten years of experience in science and education and more than hundred of published materials, including monographs, schoolbooks and patents.

In different periods and present time he is involved in the education process on disciplines “Algebra, Geometry and Calculus”, “Differential Equations”, “Statistical Software”, “Optimization in Material Science”, “Applied Statistics and Design of Experiment”, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, “Methods of Research in Nanotechnology of Material Science”, “Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology in Construction” for specialists, masters, postgraduates and staff of higher education.


Senior Research Officer, C.Sc. Anna N Grishina Anna N Grishina

 Senior Research Officer, PhD.

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Area of scientific interests is the composite materials for civil engineering and special applications, applications of nanotechnology in material science.

She has 32 published materials, including monographs, schoolbooks and patents.

She was awarded by Silver Medal during the innovation contest at the “Expopriority 2012” IV International Forum on Intellectual Property. She was the winner of the RF Presidential grant “Management of Structure Formation and Properties of the Effective Dispersed Phases Based on Barium Hydrosilicates and Nanomodified Composites Based on these Phases”. For the development of “Nanomodifier for Foam Concrete Mix” she was awarded by Silver Medal and grand prix “Best Innovative Project in the Field of Nanotechnology” during “Archimedes-2013 Innovations Contest”

At present she is involved in the education process on disciplines “Methods of Research in Nanotechnology of Material Science”, “Manufacturing the Nanomaterials and Nanomodified Composites for Engineering”, “Special-purpose Composites for Engineering”, “Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology in Construction” for masters and staff of higher education.


Young Research Officer, C.Sc. Aleksandr S Inozemtcev Aleksandr S Inozemtcev

Young Research Officer, PhD.

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The scientific interests are high-strength lightweight concretes, multifunctional building materials and nanotechnology in construction.

He is author of over 40 scientific publications in various print publications in leading peer-reviewed journals. He participates in various international and national scientific conferences from 2006.

In 2011, Aleksandr was awarded the Prize of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation I degree in support of talented youth for the project "Nanomodified corrosion-resistant composite construction.

In 2012 he was awarded the medal "For achievements in scientific and technical creativity," according to the results of the IV International scientific-practical conference "Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth - the path to a society based on knowledge.

He is a scholar of of the President of the Russian Federation 2012-2014.

In 2013 he was awarded a bronze medal, "Interior Innovation Archimedes-2013".

December 16, 2013 Aleksandr successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on the specialty 05.23.05 - Building materials and products on "Structure and properties of nano-modified high-strength lightweight concrete".


Инженер-испытатель НОЦ Нанотехнологии Иноземцев С.С.Sergei S Inozemtcev

Young Research Officer, PhD.

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Area of scientific interests is the is road construction materials,asphalt concrete, bitumen-mineral mixes, nanomodifiers, test methods for asphalt concrete, physical methods of research (including reological, nitrogen porosimetry). He is author of over 25 scientific publications in various print publications in leading peer-reviewed journals. He participates in various international and national scientific conferences from 2006.

In 2011, He was awarded the Prize of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation I degree in support of talented youth for the project "Nanomodified corrosion-resistant composite construction. In 2014 He was awarded a medal of winner of the All-Russia Exhibition Centre.

December 16, 2013 Sergei successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on the specialty 05.23.05 - Building materials and products on "Structure and properties of nano-modified stone mastic asphalt concrete with higher rates of operational properties".


Инженер-испытатель НОЦ Нанотехнологии Гладких В.А. Vitaly A Gladkikh

engineer, PhD.

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Автор 5 научных работ в различных печатных изданиях, в том числе в ведущих рецензируемых журналах ( «Вестник МГСУ », Вестник «Научных инженеров »). С 2012 года принимает участие в различных международных и всероссийских научно-практических конференциях.

В 2010 году с отличием закончил ОГУ, получил специальность инженера, защитив диплом на тему «Здание ледового дворца. Крытый каток с искусственным льдом » . Параллельно обучался в университетском колледже VIA (г. Хорсенс, Дания), по окончанию которого приобрел квалификацию бакалавра « Строительного производства » .

В 2005 году занял I место по факультету на XXVII студенческой научно-практической конференции.

В 2012 году по итогам XI I Всероссийской выставки Научно-технического творчества молодежи НТТМ-2012 удостоился Премии Министерства Образования и Науки РФ I степени в поддержку талантливой молодежи за проект «Наноразмерный модификатор для тампонажных растворов и облегченных высокопрочных бетонов».



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