Title |
For reference |
Links |
Nano-modified high-strength lightweight concrete for construction |
«Nanotehnologii v stroitel'stve: nauchnyj internet-zhurnal» − №1 (23) − 2013. − P.24-38. (In Russian) |
Economic preconditions for introduction of high-strength lightweight concrete |
Scientific Journal «Nauchno-tehnicheskij vestnik Povolzh'ja» − №5 − 2012. − P.198-205. (In Russian) |
Dynamic modeling of nanoscale systems |
«Nanotehnologii v stroitel'stve: nauchnyj internet-zhurnal» − №3(19) − 2012. − P.26-35. (In Russian) |
The effectiveness of physical impacts to disperse nanoscale modifiers |
Journal «Stroitel'nye materialy» – №4 − 2012. – P. 76-88. (In Russian) |
Evaluate method of economic feasibility of implementing nanotechnology |
«Nanotehnologii v stroitel'stve: nauchnyj internet-zhurnal» − №2(18) − 2012. − P.25-32. (In Russian) |
Stochastic modeling of nanoscale systems |
«Nanotehnologii v stroitel'stve: nauchnyj internet-zhurnal» − №1(17) − 2012. − P.6-14. (In Russian) |
Some aspects of the design of content for multi-component composites |
«Nanotehnologii v stroitel'stve: nauchnyj internet-zhurnal» − №6(16) − 2011. − P.32-43. (In Russian) |
Problems and perspectives of nanotechnology in construction |
Journal «Izvestija Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta» − №2(16) − 2011. − P.200-208. (In Russian) |
State parameters of radiation-protective liquid glass building materials, cured with barium chloride |
Journal «Izvestija Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta» − №1(15) − 2011. − P.200-208. (In Russian) |
Scientific and Educational Centre "Nanotechnology": problems and perspectives |
Scientific and practical journal «Nauka. Stroitel'stvo. Obrazovanie» – №1. – 2011 ( (In Russian) |
Size effects and topological features of the nano-modified composites |
«Nanotehnologii v stroitel'stve: nauchnyj internet-zhurnal» – №4. – 2011. – P.17-27 |
Ultrasonic parameters for the homogenization of dispersed systems with nanoscale modifiers |
Journal «Stroitel'nye materialy» – №9 − 2010. – P. 85-88. (In Russian) |
The technology of nano-modification construction materials |
Materials of "XV Akademicheskih chtenij RAASN - Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii: Dostizhenija i problemy materialovedenija i modernizacija stroitel'noj industrii" – Kazan, KGASU, 2010. – V. 2. – P. 280-285. (In Russian) |
Nano-modified lime compounds for finishing and restoration of buildings and structures |
Materials of "XV Akademicheskih chtenij RAASN - Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii: Dostizhenija i problemy materialovedenija i modernizacija stroitel'noj industrii" – Kazan, KGASU, 2010. – V. 2. – P. 276-279. (In Russian) |
Influence of modified nano-sized powders of calcium hydro on the distribution of nanoparticles in the cement paste |
Journal «Integral» – №6(50) − 2009.– P. 22-23. (In Russian) |
Basic principles of practical nanotechnology in building materials |
«Nanotehnologii v stroitel'stve: nauchnyj internet-zhurnal» − №1 − 2009. − P.66-79 ( (In Russian) |
Evaluation of technical and economic efficiency of nanotechnology in building materials |
Journal «Stroitel'nye materialy» – №6 − 2009. – P. 66-67. (In Russian) |
Technical and economic basis of practical nanotechnology in building materials |
Journal «Regional'naja arhitektura i stroitel'stvo» – №2(5) − 2008.– P. 3-9. (In Russian) |
Nano-modification technology in building materials |
Journal «Regional'naja arhitektura i stroitel'stvo» – №1(4) − 2008.– P. 4-7. (In Russian) |
Cement composites with nanosized calcium hydrosilicates |
Sbornik dokladov "Nauchno-tehnologicheskih sekcij Mezhdunarodnogo foruma po nanotehnologijam". М.: ROSNANO, 2008. - T.1. - P. 435-436. (In Russian) |
Nano-modified sulfur corrosion-resistant materials |
Scientific bulletin "Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta: Stroitel'stvo i arhitektura" — Voronezh: VGASU, 2008. - №2 (10). - P.51-59. (In Russian) |
Nanotechnology and nano-modification in building materials. International and Russian experience |
Scientific and Technical Journal «Vestnik BGTU im. V.G.Shuhova» – 2007. – №2. – P.16-19. (In Russian) |
Building materials with nanocarbon tubes and fullerenes |
Journal «Stroitel'nye materialy» – 2006. – №8. – P. 2–4. (In Russian) |
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№ |
Name of monografs |
Edition |
1 |
Nano-modified sulfur corrosion-resistant construction materials |
Scientific monograph. Moscow: Ed. RGAU-MSHA imeni K.A. Timirjazeva, 2008. – 167 p. (In Russian) |
2 |
Mortars and concretes for radiation protection |
Scientific publication. Penza: Ed. PGUAS, 2005. – 289 p. (In Russian) |
3 |
Radiation-protective and chemical resistant sulfur construction materials (Radiacionno-zashhitnye i himicheski stojkie sernye stroitel'nye materialy) |
Scientific publication. Penza: Ed. Orenburg: IPK OGU, 2010. − 364 p. (In Russian) |
4 |
Glass-crystalline materials for protection against radiation (Steklokristallicheskie materialy dlja zashhity ot radiacii) |
Scientific monograph. Penza: Ed. PGUAS, 2009. – 108 p. (In Russian) |
№ |
Name of textbook |
Edition |
1 |
Road construction materials. Bitumen. Bitumen road emulsions. Bituminous concrete (Dorozhno-stroitel'nye materialy. Bitumy. Bitumnye dorozhnye jemul'sii. Asfal'tobeton) |
Penza: PGUAS, 2011. - 246 p. (In Russian) |
2 |
Physical chemistry in building materials |
Penza: PGUAS, 2009. - 308 p. (In Russian) |
3 |
Methods and algorithm of synthesis radiation-protective new generation materials |
Penza: PGUAS, 2009. - 132 p. (In Russian) |
4 |
Introduction to Nanotechnology (Vvedenie v nanotehnologiju) |
Penza: PGUAS, 2009. - 78 p. (In Russian) |
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