Korolev Evgeniy Valerjevich

Директор НОЦ НТ - Королев Евгений Валерьевич

CI: 2160, H-Index: 22
Ссылка на статьи в электронной библеотекеСсылка на статьи в системе Scopus Ссылка на страницу ResearcherIDСсылка на страницу в WikiPedia (rus)

ORCID: 0000-0003-0815-4621

Почетный знак Спецстроя России За заслуги в области специального строительстваЗа вклад в развитие атомной отраслиМедаль лауреата Всероссийского выставочного центраГран-при за "Лучший инновационный проект в области нанотехнологии"
Золотая медаль лауреата конкурса НТТМ-2013
Серебряная медаль лауреата конкурса инноваций Expopriority 2012
Бронзовая медаль лауреата конкурса инноваций Expopriority 2012Cеребрянная медаль "Салона инноваций Архимед-2013"Бронзовая медаль "Салона инноваций Архимед-2013"



Vice director, doctor of science., professor.

Area of scientific interests is the composite materials for civil engineering and special applications (chemical-resistant materials, radiation-protective materials, etc.); applications of nanotechnology in material science. He acted as a scientific manager of eight successful postgraduate trainees.

In 1998 he was awarded by RF Governmental scholarship, in 1999 awarded by RF Presidential scholarship and in 2000 awarded by RF Presidential scholarship to study abroad. In 2002, due to his successful scientific activities, he was awarded by Governor's prize. In 2003, by reason of the research work “Non-autoclaved aerated concrete”, he was awarded by Gold Medal of All-Russia Exhibition Centre. He has completed numerous studies aimed at the development of radiation-protective heavy-weight concrete. Because of these studies, he was awarded by many prizes, including the Medal from Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Silver Medal of All-Russia Exhibition Centre and several prizes of abroad exhibitions. A number of times, starting from the year 2006, he was winner of the Presidential grants to support the young Russian D.Sc. In 2008 he was awarded the title “Honored Builder of Russia”.

Takes part in the International and All-Russian conferences, symposia and congresses, including activities focused on nanotechnology in material science.

He has 18 years of experience in science and education and more than 500 of published materials, including 25 monographs, 34 schoolbooks and 33 patents.

He is recognized as an expert of the Russian Ministry of Education Science and Technology.

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