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НОЦ НТ на конференции ICBM-2019 в Ханое

From October 31 to November 2, 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam, an international conference on building materials (ICBM-2019) was held with the support of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam in honor of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Institute of Building Materials (VIBM).

NRU MGSU as a partner of VIBM in the framework of joint applied scientific research presented three articles by the staff of SEC NT (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director Korolev E.V., Ph.D., researcher Inozemtsev A.S. and test engineer Doung Thanh Qui for the scientific program of the conference. Graduate student Doung T.Q. made a face-to-face presentation in the section Cement, mortar, concrete, and additives on the topic "The effectiveness of 3D-printing in the construction industry of Vietnam". Articles on world experience in developing materials for 3D printing in construction and about anomalies of rheological flow curves for plasticized cement-mineral pastes were also published in the conference proceedings.

НОЦ НТ на конференции ICBM-2019 в ХаноеНОЦ НТ на конференции ICBM-2019 в Ханое

Scientists, researchers and participants of the conference discussed the current experience and development trends of building materials today. The main topics within the sections of the conference are:
- Use of processed raw materials for the production of environmentally friendly materials;
- Development of chemical additives and the use of mineral additives in the construction industry;
- Production of ultra-high-strength concrete for house building;
- Development of new technologies for building materials.
In addition, the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the economic, cultural and political capital of Vietnam, Hanoi.

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