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Руководитель НОЦ НТ - действительный член РИАA delegation from the South China Technical University, which included the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Jiangmiao Y.U., Professor of the Department of Road Construction, Duanyi W., Research Fellow, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Huayang Y.U. visited the Moscow State University of Economics and Management on August 8.

The program of the visit included negotiations on the joint implementation of research works, discussion of promising areas of cooperation and demonstration of scientific and technical capabilities of NIU MGSU. On the part of our university, pro-rector Gogina Elena Sergeevna and Korolev Evgeniy Valerevich took part in the meeting.

As a result of the meeting, an agreement on cooperation between universities was signed, a plan is planned for exchange programs between students, undergraduates, graduate students and researchers. Some working questions on the scientific project on the topic "Identification of the mechanism of fatigue destruction of composite materials on the basis of organic binders for the design of materials with a specified stability of properties in time" under leader of Korolev E.V. were discussed.

Партнеры из VIBM прибыли с визитом в МГСУПартнеры из VIBM прибыли с визитом в МГСУ

Colleagues from China visited the laboratories and scientific and educational centers of the Moscow State University of Economics and Management, highly appreciating the level of the material and technical base of the university.

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